What to do: If you have a problem with a friend

Hey guys!

Today was a rough day. I had a lot of fights with friends.

One was with my best friend. But of course, we discovered we were just being stupid, and we realized we weren’t mad at eachother after all.

I remember hugging her. It was cool.

But I also had a fight with a friend of mine. You know, she sometimes bothers me much beacause she says mean things like it’s nothing, but today I quietly exploded in anger. When we left school we were still mad at eachother (I don’t know if she was, because I haven’t talked to her. But I know I was mad.).

I don’t know about her, but I have already forgiven her. I will wait for her to think straight, and also to act toward others the way she would like to be treated. Forgiving is the best medicine for problems you know?

I’m feeling okay, since the afternoon was cool, but I’m still waiting my friend’s reaction. I am nervous. But, the sad thing is, that I have nothing left to do.

So, here I am waiting in my desk for a call or mail from my friend.
